Spread life-saving handwashing throughout the world.
SARAYA started “Wash A Million Hands!” project in 2010 which spreads correct handwashing using soap to prevent children from fatal diseases.
The project targets Uganda; the country in East Africa.
We support UNICEF’s handwashing promotion activities by donating 1% of our sales amount of the specific products.

The under-5 mortality rate in Uganda is
55 per 1,000 population.
But the death-causing diseases is preventable by
correct handwashing.
Since the conflict lasted over 20 years until 2006, building infrastructure such as water supplying facility is a big issue in Uganda.
In such unhygienic conditions, correct handwashing plays an important role to prevent children from diseases.
1% of sales amount of our specific products is donated for supporting UNICEF’s handwashing promotion activities.
※The products are available only in Japan.

“Wash A Million Hands!” project which started in 2010, achieved its goal in first 3 years. Here we report the results of the project as of December 2015.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) had a goal to decrease the infant mortality rate which is now taken over to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Since 2016, we will promote the activity to spread correct handwashing using soap to achieve the goal of “1. No Poverty” and “6. Clean Water and Sanitation” which consists the 17 articles of SDGs.
SARAYA is going ahead with local manufacturing of alcohol hand sanitizer and education to healthcare workers to prevent healthcare-associated infection in East Africa.