project report
"Wash A Million Hands!" project which started in 2010, achieved its goal in first 3 years. Here we report the results of the project as of December 2015.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) had a goal to decrease the infant mortality rate which is now taken over to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Since 2016, we will promote the activity to spread correct handwashing using soap to achieve the goals of "3. Good Health and Well-being", "6. Clean Water and Sanitation" and "8. Decent Work and Economic Growth" which consist the 17 articles of SDGs.
Education for 1.2 million mothers
We continuously educate handwashing to the village people. The handwashing ambassadors expand the home handwashing equipment "Tippy Tap" and inform the importance of handwashing to 1.2 million mothers annually.
The handwashing rate has increased to 33.2% by expanding the home handwashing equipment.
The rate of people who wash their hands with soap after toilet was 14 % in 2007, but increased to 33.2 % in 2015. The rate of students who wash their hands after toilet was 35% in 2012 and increased to 38% in 2015. Children whose ages are 6 to 13 wash their hands after toilet less frequently at home. This is because children are encouraged by influencing on each other in the school.
"Uganda Hygiene Charter" was adopted on the world's handwashing day

Photo: Japan Committee for UNICEF
On the world's handwashing day on October 15, 2015, Uganda Hygiene Charter was adopted to set hygiene issues as first priority for the basis of government's public hygiene.
Local community and the entire civil society adopts to the "Correct handwashing using soap"

and soap on the world's handwashing day.
Photo: Japan Committee for UNICEF
Our executive office took promotion activities of handwashing using soap on the "World's Handwashing Day" website and SNS such as Facebook and Twitter. 6 Radio stations also announced messages, jingles and talk shows encouraging hand hygiene thorough 6 months. These actions led to the success of the world's handwashing day. We also made posters of handwashing using soap for schools and health centers. A handbook for instructors was published and utilized to train new instructors.